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How do you calculate percent profit?

The formula for calculating percent profit is: Percent Profit = (Profit / Cost) * 100 In this formula, “Profit” refers to the amount earned from the investment or venture, and “Cost” represents the initial investment or the cost incurred. The result is multiplied by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

How to calculate operating profit?

Choose the Percentage (%) format from the Number group. Look at the result and you should see the Gross Profit Percentage. We will get the Operating profit by deducting the operating cost and the cost of the product from the revenue. The operating cost includes transportation, the salary of employees, rent, marketing costs, and maintenance costs.

How to convert profit to percentage in Excel?

Drag the Fill Handle icon. You’ll get the profit by subtracting cost from revenue. Go to Cell F4 Then type the below formula. Double click the Fill Handle icon. You can see that we’ve got the results in decimal form. Now, we will convert this value into percentage form. Select all the cells of the Percentage column.

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